Welcome to the website of the Flint Hill Manor Townhouses Association, Inc. Oakton, Virginia.
Board of Directors as of March 2, 2022
President Emily Jemison
Vice President Theresa Croson
Treasurer Karen Oberst
Secretary Toby Hettler
Member At Large Sandra Monsivais McDonough
Member At Large Laura De Otalvaro

If you have any questions for the Board,
please email them to: customerservice@summitmanage.com
Property Management
Quarterly payments must be mailed to:

Flint Hill Manor Townhouses Association
c/o Summit Management Processing Center
PO Box 95366
Las Vegas, NV 89193-5366

If you have any questions regarding your account, please call Summit Management at 301-495-0146.
Map of Flint Hill Manor
Architectural Requirements & Guidelines
Trash and Recycling Flyer
Recycling Guide
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
Bylaws of Flint Hill Manor Townhouses Association
2003 Replacement Reserve Study
2014 Replacement Reserve Study 

"Keep our neighborhood safe! Lock car doors and turn on your porch lights!"